Let’s meet!

Hi! thank you so much for your interest into wanting to know more about our brand.
I'm Amy Rivera, the founder and creative behind ONDA. Which translates to energy or waves around the universe.
Everything you see in my brand, from the photography and sourcing of plants and resins to the product making, is a reflection of my passion and dedication.
After graduating high school in 2015, I embarked on a journey to deepen my connection with God and what felt natural to me. Along the way, I followed my intuition and the guiding energy that has been with me since childhood. This path led me to explore different teachings and beliefs enriching my understanding of the world.

Along this long journey and through different explorations I started viewing the world, the human body, the earth and our relationship with them differently. Giving me a deeper understanding of how consumerism often leads us away from a genuine connection with our bodies, the earth, and our spirituality. The constant push for more—more products, more technology, more convenience—can create a sense of separation. We find ourselves disconnected from the natural rhythms of the earth, the wisdom of our bodies, and the deeper spiritual truths that ground us.

Mass-produced goods, laden with synthetic ingredients and devoid from what’s truly natural for our bodies, further this disconnect. Stripping away our ability to engage with nature's healing power and the ancestral knowledge that has sustained humanity for centuries. This detachment can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances, leaving us yearning for something more authentic and nurturing.

My work with ONDA seeks to counteract this separation. By sourcing plants and resins directly from the earth and crafting each product with intention and care, I aim to create a bridge back to nature, our bodies, and our spiritual essence. Inspired by the plant wisdom of my grandmother, my Caribbean Island of Borike and ancient practices, my products are designed to heal and connect, fostering a deeper relationship with the earth and our inner selves.

If you’ve come here, I invite you to slow down, breathe deeply, and reconnect with the natural world. Together, we can honor the earth, celebrate our bodies, and embrace a spirituality that nurtures and sustains us.

- Amy